
Our monthly meetings continue on line for the foreseeable future. Please keep an eye out for details via email rom Graham Barnard each month. If you have any problems please seek help from the committee who may be able to assist. Keep safe.

During the Lockdown period why get get into the shed and get that lathe working – Send your pictures of your woodturning creations to and check this link or look in the Galleries for all the Club members beautiful work.

Following Government advice we will not be holding meetings in April and May. The workshop with Colin Simpson on the 28th March is also cancelled. We will update as the situation progresses etc.


The A.G.M. was held on Monday 20th January and the Agenda can be found here. Together with the Income & Expenditure for 2019 and Budget Forecast for 2020.


Please find attached links to various past demos:

  • Jean Turners’s ‘wood jaws & chucking’ here is a link to the accompanying notes from her website and a ‘pdf’ version.
  • Also Jean’s home built pyrography kit.  The details can be accessed on her website HERE – members are advised to take suitable precautions to protect themselves and their electrical supply (5A fuse or RCD) and only to undertake the project if they are competent to do so.
  • Chris West’s drawings of the Upside down shaker, and the Offset shaker, are available here (courtesy of Chris). They can be viewed or downloaded as pdf. Files:
    • Upside down shaker
    • Offset shaker